Thought brief, the rest of Thanksgiving went well. I ate steadily and constantly over the four days--pretty sure I packed on a couple pounds as the pants feel a little snug, but SO worth all the tasty nom noms.
Steph and I tried Millie's today. We'd always seen the chain around on our way to eat at other places, so why not give it a try. Verdict: demographic of senior citizens + better quality than Denny's for the same price = Thumbs up!
Attempted the Brea Mall afterward for returns/exhchanges. Still crazy. As much as I love finding a good deal or nice/cute/cool clothes, shopping is too exhausting. I don't have the same drive as the ladies or pre-teens do. Oh, and I think babies are born with blackberries attached to hand now. The girls in front of me in line were planning an event while gossiping about friend trees and who to invite because "so and so is not as close to Becka as Casey is, but Casey knows Jenna so it's cool." Of course they were messaging out the who, what, when, where, why on their shiny Blackberries. What happened to Disney card stock invites from Party City? R.I.P. themed birthday sets: Aladdin cake plates, food plates, hats, invitations, goodie bags and thank you cards. I think it would be a little much to bring that back and at Chuck E' Cheese for my 21st. Wishful thinking!

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"Guess I'll have to roll with the punches!"

I heart $6 weekend/holiday matinee. It's the only price dad and I are willing to pay for a movie (aside from Costco tickets), otherwise, you might as well just buy the DVD if two people pay $22 to watch it. We also sacrificed the overpriced munchies to save the monies.
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Drive back was good, no traffic but dense fog like a scary movie. @_@
Drive to pick up friend, not as smooth sailing.

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"Your body is your temple--treat it that way."
Another saying I'll never live up to. I think I might just doze off before sunrise! Wha?! Still a fail, but better than 5am. Since I won't be sleeping for the next two weeks, I'm tempted to try Lunesta or Ambien over winter break, or both together and knock out during break completely. I desperately need to recuperate after years of sleep deprivation.
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I owe you!
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