The trip was absolutely wonderful, near-death experiences included! I'm sure Tahoe and Arrowhead are ten times more gorgeous, but having seen snow just once before at last year's BB adventure, this was quite satisfactory. We probably chose the worst time to drive up, through the rain/snowfall, but had the perfect day after, filled with fresh, fluffy snowfall! Susan and I frolicked through the snow like little girls in a winter wonderland--or at least tried to. It was thigh high, rather difficult to move around in, so we dove right in. I also fell in numerous times and slid around on the icy paved parts with my Costco Kirkland "fuggs" (fake uggs), kinda like a dog on wood floorboards.
Snowboarding was a vast improvement from last year. We went to Snow Summit instead of Bear Mt., another good choice because the slopes weren't crowded at all. Luckily, they gave us neutral/generic boards so I didn't have to figure out whether I was goofy or regular. I'd just like to think I'm ambidpedal (if that's even the right term). Conclusion: my actual snowboarding abilities are improving, I CAN get on the lift smoothly, but I'll never be able to get off the darn thing. By the end of the day I just gave up and purposely fell right off the chair so I wouldn't waste other people's time. I learned to duck quickly. The people up top yelled "Stay down!" 'til Susan, Talar, and us other losers who couldn't properly slide off scooted away to safety on all fours. Definitely good laughs. I'm proud of myself for taking a step up to the intermediate slopes. The ride up lasted an eternity and then some. The lift moved up like a roller coaster cranking up before the big drop. I don't have acrophobia (fear of heights) but I was genuinely uneasy being on that lift for what seemed like a mile. This gave me plenty of time to shiver and take some lovely pics, while trying not to drop my camera, hat, and gloves.
Cons: Snow chains. Shoveling. Things freezing.
I really can't thank Charles and Mike enough for working so hard to figure out the snow chains for both Renee's and my car. We saved 80 buckaroos! I managed to sell mine on the way back down at the turnout. Overall, I had fun driving around in snow. I know I could never live through a whole snowy winter, though. Another big thanks to the guys for shoveling out an adorable parking spot for my car. The wipers froze to my windshield once, rubbers shrunk in a concave shape so they didn't wipe so efficiently.
Pros: Everything else! Friends, cozy cabin, icicles, snow like cotton candy, jolly good times!
I also plan on taking future child up to the mountains at an early age because I want to make sure my child is as in the running for cutest kid. There were tiny tots there dressed in the puffiest clothes, like Ralphie, on mini skis. Adorkable.
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Chrismannukuh at the Glassman's was full of good company and plenty of laughs. Annual charades got kicked up a notch with some new faces and very intense competitive personalities. I think my personal favs of the night would have to be Chuck Norris and Justin Timberlake by Jon's cousins, Jenna Jameson so poorly, but hilariously acted by Vincent and the three-second steal of Marie Antoinette. I'd include my split second guess of Britney Spears but I feel like that's something I shouldn't be too proud of.
White Elephant/Yankee Swap is not my buddy. I ironically ended up with the expired Starbuck's coffee beans, but they're vacuum sealed. My parents can enjoy it. All in good fun, I enjoy the gift exchange and catching up with Fairmonters. 'Til next year!
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