I chose to take a "study break" and walk to Westwood to stargaze/stalk at the CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON premiere. In my near three years at UCLA, I've seen many a premiere. Cool? Uh huh. Kinda sad? Yeah. It's always interesting to see how each one is set up differently. I've also learned the strategies of prime creeper spots where you can get the best photos, y'know, those priceless pearls of wisdom that you'll never find in a lecture hall. To my surprise, this poor decision turned out to be one of the most efficient and productive study breaks ever! Crane-walked down to the Mann Village, met up with Hanna and Kevin, gawked, expressed our love for the celebs, snapped shots, expressed more love, crane-walked back home, all in an hour!
As for the film itself, watched and loved. Though there were never any real points of suspense, I don't think it was necessarily meant to have them. Trailers already and obviously reveal the mystery (aging backwards), as does the fact that Fincher loosely adapts F. Scott Fitzgerald's short story. So what's left and expected is this sort of pseudo-documentary about Benji Button's curious biological fate and a most touching, impossible love. All that aside, the film is well-acted and gorgeusly shot. Though, Britney Spears may be comeback, but Cate Blanchett is an actual one. Probably one of my favs on Inside the Actor's Studio (James Lipton is my man!). So incredibly eloquent, articulate, intelligent and also one of the best actor-linguists to date. Brad Pitt, I die, always and forever McSteamy status. I thought he gave one of his most subtle and amazing performances.
Since this post is not following any chronological order, I'll just continue on as thoughts emerge.
It's time for "Everything Sucks Because!"
...it's finals week, wahoo!
Ten weeks of joy and laughter have come crashing down because apparently you need to have decent grades to succeed in life, unless you don't mind living in a box. Then you can totez join me on the corner of Hollywood and Vine where I will be residing in my luxury brown one, enforced with only the highest quality duct tape. Yes, I totez just abbreved, another bad habit i'm starting to pick up here at my stay chez UCLA.
...I ate a whole flour tortilla and some pizza rolls at 2 A.M. this morning and have been eating equally awful foods at similar bad times. In the immediate future, this doesn't suck because it's yum, but it certainly will later as my arteries continue to clog.
...I seriously hit my head on freezer door while standing up from loading the fridge. It's become a large bump now, inducing mild headache.
...I locked myself out of the apt., was let into complex but with a stroke of failed genius realized I still couldn't get into my room, Duh. Kim was at home, other two roommates nonexistent--then and always, took nap in the 3rd floor lounge like a hobo, had second stroke of genius to visit our apt. coordinator whose door had vital numbers like Rental Office, walked to Weyburn/Veteran for temporary key, walked back, got mine, drove back to drop off temp key before 5pm so I wouldn't be charged a ridonkulous fine.
To recap mostly exciting happenings:
We (UCLA's Campus Events Commission) screened PIRATES II: STAGNETTI'S REVENGE (sequel to PIRATES, the most expensive pornography ever made) and held a Q&A panel including director Joone, lead male Evan Stone, actress Sasha Grey, and Digital Playground marketing director Adella. The event and the days leading up to it were interesting to say the least. "There's no such thing as bad publicity" might not exactly apply, but UCLA received tons of exposure all over the interweb on blogsites, discussion boards, facebook, polls etc. debating the topic of whether we should be showing an adult film. Goodness me! Honestly, I was indifferent to the screening, but the Q&A was one of the most entertaining and suprisingly insighftul that we've had.
So many celebrations of birth! Everyone turning 20! Been 20 for 'bout five months, but I'm indifferent to my age now, neither depressed nor delighted. I do miss the tween and teen years. The big 2-1 awaits us all now. I'll probably celebrate my half-birthday in Feb. since summer birthdays are depressing and I'll be in London instead travel studying, weee!
CEC holiday party was enjoyable. I can have fun anywhere if there's music and food. White elephant, though small, was amusing. I walked away with the greatest prize, a yeast infection--well, not a real one, but a great microscopic snapshot of one blown up to a mini poster. This was among other amazing gifts like wine & cigs, chia pet, odd-smelling putty erasers, and an IOU herpes plushie.
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Father visited today, dropped off more foodstuffs for daughter. Love. We ate so much at Acapulco, indulging in halibut tacos and a generous carne asada/shrimp enchilada combo 'cause mother sent over her $25 gift card. More love.
At the end of lunch: "Megan, eat as much as you can from the fridge and freezer before coming home." I think that about sums up the healthy relationship with my parents.
I get a good smile out of everything you write, Maggie!
OMGosh i can't believe you got to see the stars at the premiere! I am totally, unbelievable, over-the-top jealous! That's awesome- and your photos are great
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