26 December 2008

Oh my

I just woke up.
I've eaten Christmas dinner three times since last night's gathering.
Definitely put on a few pounds.
Kid's gift exchange went smoothly, everyone knew what they were getting and who it was coming from.
Two lovely rounds of Cranium where acting out boobs led to Madonna and mermaid.
Kung Fu Pandana came in handy as our blindfold for Sensosketch and also as a good luck bandana.
Grandma and Great Aunt spent ten minutes discussing the need for me to snatch up the right guy at my age. Their exact advice loosely translated from Korean: You must pick out a handsome, smart, good one now. It will be difficult to find them later on when they all scatter away after college.
Slight downer, perhaps contributed to why I ate dinner twice.

I guess I have another seven hours, give or take, until bedtime for today. I must be productive!

1 comment:

Nick said...

it's true. if you don't find a man by the time you graduate you automatically become a crazy cat lady. It's in the bible.