Superbowl Sunday. For most, it's beerjunkfoodtouchdowncommercial time. Given that it's midterm week, I was outside for a bit to take advantage of the weather, but now I'm trying to get some work done--operative word being try.
Friday night was full of crazy shenanigans, a 21st birthday among others, so you can already assume that it was an evening of dance, odd smells, party hopping, creepers, slooty drunk girls/sorostitutes, spotting someone with a suspiciously large ziploc of a leafy plantlike substance passing by in a shady alley and exiting a gate. Hm. I think he profited that night. Of course, I held onto my blue "water" cup the entire time and emptied out most of it into a plant somewhere, made a 2 a.m. Ralph's run, picked up those who could not safely walk home, then flew back to my nest where I stayed up the night again.
Before that we wanted to check out this release for Stamp'd LA on Melrose--far too cool urban/scenester-y for me, but the sneakers were suh-weeeet. If only they weren't $110 for a pair! Obvi I don't belong on Melrose, but it's always amusing to see a $139.00 dress on sale for 75% when it still costs less than that discount price. Then there are those scary stores where they desperately wanna sell, but I can't haggle so I just smile awkwardly, say thank you and scurry out the door.
I am happy to say that I am a new fan of Yogurtland thanks to Bobby and Allen, so everyone go try if you haven't!
Maral and I had a ruvery sreepover, with some wholesome chick chatting beforehand when Michelle and Claire stopped by. We finished the box of TJ's spinach and cheese spanakopita. Noms.
Aside from burdensome midterms, the usual hoard of random questions floats around in my head.
::Will the Steelers win?
::What the heck happened in my dream last night? (All I can piece together: American Idol auditions held at the Hollywood Bowl, one of my friends judged alongside Simon Cowell, I kept pulling in and out of different parking spaces because the lot magically turned off your car if you stayed in a space too long...I need a dream interpreter.)
::Should I go to Coachella? All three days?
::Why didn't I buy a Britney Spears concert ticket? What if she dies after her tour (knock on wood) and I never get to see her?
::How come "Girl Talk's hot cousin" is so freakin' amazing? (Thanks yoko!)
::I'm hungry. Okay, not a question, but always relevant.
::What should I eat now?
::Where am I living next year? Megan the nomad?
Here I come, novels! Tender Buttons, Dorian Gray, Writing Life. Blaableebloo. Again, wouldn't mind reading any of these were they not assignments that we have to analyze to the core. Though we plow through countless literary works, it's frustrating that I no longer have time to read for pleasure/leisure. I've also never been able to break up a novel into several chapters a night, which is why I resort to Newsweek and Vanity Fair for start-to-finish reads. On a side note, ever since John Updike passed away, I've wanted to finish his Rabbit series. Mom gave me Rabbit, Run to read when I was quite young, didn't make too much sense then, so I hope to reread that and get through the rest over spring break.
Ah, and thanks to Kevin for this amusing find. I guess if I follow that precisely, I'll at least get a wedding, kids, a house, dogs, and trips to Orlando before dementia and death.
I have never set click on Perezhilton, but I am guilty of visiting the superficial. Proud to say that Soc 1 with Sherwood led me to this treasure of a site. I leave you with healthy Phelps vs. healthy Jessica vs. healthy Lindsay.

I have never set click on Perezhilton, but I am guilty of visiting the superficial. You'll be glad to know that UCLA's Soc 1 with Sherwood led me to this treasure of a site.
yes, go to Coachella. at least the day paul mcCartney is performing because everyone else really doesn't matter hahaha
honestly, the lineup fails to impress me, beyond Sir Paul... there's too few acts spread out across all 3 days that I would pay that kind of money to stand in the hot sun for :p
but then I'm not as awesome as you are. so.
Also the Phelps thing doesn't surprise me at all. It's kind of insane how many people completely idolize him when as the picture shows, he's just a normal guy. That being said it was pretty stupid for him to let someone take that photo.
Also I'm glad that Jessica ate a sandwich.
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