08 February 2009

Pop Musik and gangsta rap

Sometimes those just get the studying going.
Tuned into the Grammy's about ten minutes ago to catch Sam Jackson intro T.I. and his "buddy Justin Timberlake!" Crude observation of the day: T.I.'s beanie looked like a form of protection against baby makin' sitting atop his head. Sorry, just saying.

Not quite motivated to finish these WWI and feminist poems OMGZ NEIL DIAMOND IS SINGING SWEET CAROLINE...
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Raising Sand ftw, one of the most unexpected but most intriguing musical pairings I've come across. I bought the album immediately after it came out, passed it on to dad, and we've been huge fans of the duo and each individually, of course. Plant may have calmed down since the Zeppelin years, but his voice still has that amazing sharpness that harmonizes so well with Alison's ethereal sound. Given all that, it's won already and is probably old news since last Grammy's, so Radiohead was more deserving.

I've been procrastinating by blogging, but no more. Sylvia Plath, here I come...

1 comment:

Christine said...

awww you missed the jobros! hahaha they performed with stevie wonder!