10 January 2009

nrb and other adventures

No, I didn't forget the -q, though I wish that the place we went to tonight had some NRBQ songs.

For those who are unaware: Korean NRB = No Rae Bahng = music room, describing the private room atmosphere. Karaoke refers more to the live open-mic style in lounges, cafes, and bars.
I don't think I'm confident enough to participate in the latter, unless, of course, inebriated, but such chances are slim.

We moseyed over to FEEL in Koreatown. Cushy room, mics, LCDs, tambourine, wigs, cheesy classics + 90s pop + ghetto goodness = good times in great company.

Once we were back in apartmentville, we did a bit of party hippity hopping. First standing awkwardly, cell phones out, among the various drunks--ADHD, emo, obnoxious, cheerful--then eventually spread CEC dancejoy. Surprisingly, I didn't encounter anyone from the fifth category--the "so damn plastered/hammered/gone embracing the bathroom floor, the toilet is my BFF". People came and went, but four of us stuck it out for the night pulling out all the best moves (sprinkler, lawn mower, shopping cart, some modern interpretive dance to an unidentifiable song etc...). We couldn't get "Low" enough and attempted to use stanky leg to help us get closer to the floor. Keeping up my tradition of making excellent decisions, I continued to use every ounce of voice I had left to sing Britney at the top of my lungs. As you can probably guess, voice is dead. "But you'll wake up with that "sexy rasp!" No, no, I'm not that lucky. I'll wake up with a squeaky, male, honkey-donkey sound.

I have to wake up early tomorrow to help drive our radio news team group to the LA Times for a freelance journalism workshop. The event sounds promising, so I hope to gather many pearls of wisdom.

Then, it's food shopping galore with dad. We're hitting up Costco and the Korean market. I am ECSTATIC about stocking up the fridge/freezer. With each opening of the door and sighting of emptiness, a part of me has died, or, at least my stomach has been crying out to me. Afterward, I'm excited to try out whatever new restaurant dad has picked from our beloved 2009 Zagat LA and SoCal Restaurant Guide. Our food bible, our friend.

Side rant: I'm semi to completely serious when I say that North of Wilshire apartments need to be blown up and leveled. LA is already congested enough, with the worst roads to drive on. It just needs to be done.
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HSM4 is casting. I don't see why they need to start HS again with a new cast. What is so wrong about V.Hudgens, ZacE and co. all magically attending the same college? Disney is all about magic.
I also discovered that I could totally sign up to try out as an extra, or better yet, audition for a bigger role. If I had the talent/ability for it, my ultimate dream would be to sing and dance in a musical. I know, I'm a huge dork. Maybe I'll write it, UCLA The Epic Musical: over 47 of the most random short and long, breaking into song and dance moments from the farthest reaches of Westwood, up Bruinwalk, and beyond. I'd have to fill the pages with the cheesiest lines ever.

Because I've nothing better to do right now except sleep (that would be the wise decision), I'll lay out my goals for the weekend:
-conference + food shopping
-French homework
-radio article
-Wuthering Heights (ew. this one just will never grow on me)
-gonna have to keep the party going with Uncle Tom in his Cabin. woo

All of the above is easily doable. I just need to sit my lazy butt down and get 'em done.
I also need to watch the rest of the Oscar contenders and get my Netflix going again. Unaware that I could freeze my account, I wasted a month's payment over break. Grr.

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