Preventative measures can also be taken from my side, some more extreme than others. My parents did suggest that I wear a mask, yes, a mask like so:
Meet Doctors McSexy and O'Mysterious.

I'm not sure what's more disturbing: the fact that they have these at home or that they suggested I wear it. If that's not parental love, I don't know what is.
A more mild precaution I can take is to gargle with Listerine several times a day. I took Airborne as well as a vitamin a meal and several hours apart (oh, the irony if I were to O.D. on vitamins) in preparation for roomie's arrival. At the moment, I know I have a cold. Today, I referenced Web M.D. on the specifics of strep throat, so that if I do start recognizing symptoms, I can do something about it right away. I've learned from my friend's and my own past experiences that Ashe Center diagnoses are at the level of a kindergartener pointing to where it hurts. My friend's swollen lymph nodes being explained as just a mild cold and dismissed only to grow worse into infection, disquieting, to say the least.
One plus is the upcoming weather; it'll be a tad toastier over the week!
Though I did have some rare sightings of native New Yorkers from past visits there, only in L.A. do you see Miss winter boots with scarves passing by Mr. summer bermudas with flip flops. How quickly the students identified the weather today and switched to shorts and shades! They certainly did not procrastinate on that.
Yesterday, dad and I concluded that you just can't tell what the weather is like in Los Angeles by what anyone is wearing. This is not a compliment for us Los Angelenos. We spotted three BFFs: one winter'd out in riding boots over skinny jeans under peacoat and scarf, another in flip-flops, jeans and gaudy Ed Hardy tee (gaudyuck!), and the third in white shorts with a raglan sweater and Keds. So wth, is it hot? cold? just right? Then I looked down only to realize that I was wearing sandals, jeans and a t-shirt under a sleeveless sweater and I cried inside.
The work has piled on. After all, it's week two out of ten, and time to get busy. So in my sickly nasal voice, I bid thee a good day.
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