15 January 2009


I haven't made contact with the outside world since Sunday. Yep, for three days I've been isolated infomercial lady. Tomorrow, sunlight will touch my skin! Clearly, I'd spoken much too soon about "feeling better" yesterday, but I truly believe that the worst is over after today *knock on wood* and that it's all uphill (downhill?) from here.
--"It's all downhill from here" positive connotation since down is an easier trek than up? or negative because downhill implies a downward spiral into bad juju/plummeting to a grim death etc. Please enlighten me!

The power went out tonight for a number of minutes (avoiding "few" or "several", since I'm still not sure what each entails numerically. Please share wisdom on this too!) Seconds after, I was useless. I forgive myself though, because I had a pot of water boiling on the stove--a gas stove, mind you--and some taquitos just about done in the toaster oven, so I had multiple things on my mind. Took me a while to gather my thoughts in TOTAL darkness, but I caught a glimpse of blue flame, panicked, and turned that baby off fast before god knows what would've happened. I then proceeded to wave my arms around in zombie/mummy-like fashion trying to feel my way through the curtain to the room, find phone, stumble back to kitchen, use phone light to find lighter and light candle. Wouldn't you know it, the power surged on right at the moment that flame met wick. Though the toaster oven shut off, the taquitos kept cooking under the heat. I mourned the blackened, unsalvageable beef treats and made myself some new ones.

Twitter and I fail each other. I'll just let that first and last update fester on my profile page.

So bummed I missed Tucker Max and the apparent In 'N Outing with him afterward. I hope that he was as blunt, douchebaggy, brutally honest and entertaining as his site and stories are.

Today, I no longer sound like a male donkey, but more like a dying carburetor. So funny, these lovely phases that a cold/bronchi/strep has.

TV scoop: DAMAGES, 24, AMERICAN IDOL, all back and awesome. GOSSIP GIRL, juicy as ever--Chuck hotter than ever, resembling R.Patz as Edward Cullen more and more. TOP CHEF, still yummy. 30 ROCK, side-splitting. Trash tv, trashier.

Oh, you know that great "perk" about being sick: losing your appetite = losing weight. I guess that doesn't really apply to everyone. If anything, I'm eating more because the kitchen is has been so close to me for 72 hours x Megan likes to eat every 30 minutes...

Don't worry, I am still reading my Newsweeks and walking around plenty...to the kitchen, the living room, and back too!

1 comment:

Nick said...

Did you just compare Chuck to Edward Cullen? You did NOT just compare Chuck to Edward Cullen.