02 November 2009

reasons I don't need drank

5. It doesn't taste delicious. Wine = Dimeatap. Everything else = rubbing alcohol or flaming Dimeatap. Do not want.
4 1/2. Takes up precious stomach space which I'd much rather fill with awesome food.
4. Beer bellies, alchy gut. Not want.
3. Drink stink or drank stank. No want.
2. Naturally forgetful, don't need to black out.
1. Already drunk off life.

Also, I prefer provoking the plastered (only the right people, of course, who are joyous when inebriated), then being a historian for them and filling in their porous stories and comforting them in their mornings after.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Most Interesting Man in the World can change that. You don't drink beer - yet. But when you do, you'll drink Dos Equis.