[TODAY, accomplished]
I'm fairly certain the other roommate is stealing my magazine from the mail. Not cool, man.
Just did 2 loads of laundry and just realized I never checked the time after I put my clothes in the dryer...crap. Yet, I'm not motivated to run and check because I'm all engaged in my blogging. Also did all the dishes, dustbusted, febreezed, lysoled, clorox wiped, swiffered, and unecessarily micro-organized. So you can easily see the course of my life.

Grazi, Maral for generously swiping me into Covel. I basically blanked out about how to use the dining hall, it's been that long. Immediate reaction to the crowd in covel: Ugh, no *shakes head.* It's quite sad how anti-social I've become. Sitting in the apartment all day long, moving outside to the couch, watching tv, and making my meals is perfectly satisfactory.
Not to mention that we ate with some of Peter's HS friends. They are 16. One had braces. All had i-phones. They rave.
Let me just grab my bifocals and 8-tracks and crochet another sweater for myself.
Boy, do I feel old--juniors to juniors, four years is a big difference. Being 20 is still a reality that has yet to sink in.
...god I need some answers.
what am I to do with my life?
how am I supposed to know what's right?
Britney, you said it, sister. Of course this is from "Overprotected," playing as I write this. Funny how despite all the singer-songwriter genius, miss pop princess describes my life so perfectly right now. I too have been overprotected and would like some answers to my vague life questions. Don't hate, Britney speaks truth. Plus, the video (pre-psycho mess) is just entertaining.
I got up to eat, but was distracted by our dirty toaster oven, thus, cleaned it and returned to my desk having forgotten to eat. So I've redeemed my fail by creating a delicious tri-cereal blend of Honey-O's (most underrated cereal!), Honey Bunches of Oats, and Honey Nut Cheerios. All the honeys is just a coincidence.
I now present the past two weeks, descending chronologically for my convenience and for your viewing and reading pleasure.
staffed the $2 with Mads. Definitely glad I could watch this treasure again. I almost forgot about the line after line quotability of the movie, and it reaffirmed my infatuation with RDJr. I heart him and forgive his drug and drink issues.
[PUPPY, precious]
Roomie brought her puppy for a visit. I desperately want a dog, preferably a big dog (generally can't stand the teeny ones that yelp at high pitches or that look like naked mole rats). Penney is an adorkable exception. Had a lovely photobooth shoot with her sittin on my lap. Kim and I had also had a serious discussion about adopting a dog from the local pound and how we could illegally keep it in our apartment. That was pretty productive until we came across this beauty, almost peed our pants laughing.
One of the best films I've seen in a while. Rich indeed in color, sights and sounds, story and action. Heck, I even loved the cheesy Bollywood at the end. Highly recommended, whether or not you're a fan of Danny Boyle.
[LACMA, lovely]

[GRIDDLE, comatose]

Why had I never heard of the marvelous Griddle Cafe?! Many thanks, Meesh. New best place to eat larger-than-face sized pancakes and slump over in food coma.
I'd always wanted to go here and finally made it for Danny's birthday. Overall experience wasn't the best since it was mainly a DSP event and I didn't really know anyone, but the venue itself was fantastic. Multiple rooms, plenty of seating, cool bars. Definitely a place to visit again.
[PETA, perfection]
Props to DLV for finally making the group. This is probably something I've been longing to do since I came to college: share my passion for the art of eating, especially meat, with a crew, embarking on frequent adventures to explore all the foods that LA has to offer. Weee!
[YELP, intriguing]
What an interesting online tool. I never knew how expansive yelp and the yelp community was. Finally made a profile and started reviewing some eateries. I've always used it as reference, but I figure it gives me more opportunity to write and share my thoughts about something I love dearly, food. Since I started mine so late, I certainly won't be joining the ranks of Elite yelper, Noah. Youz krazy.
[KOREAN BBQ, smelly]

Delightful attempts to make fancy pizza's at Alex's. Verdict: butter + bacon + cheese = everything dericious.
Also gave into the devil of a deal: 10 for $10 chocolate bars during Ralph's run. I rank this as one of the best savings ever, which means it is legit given my freeloading, penny-pinching persona and all the coupon experience I have.

The set was artistic and simple. The cast had such amazing voices and carried the songs well. Ahmanson Theatre is a great venue with some beautiful architecture in and around. 2 thumbs up! If you love the musicals, go see it!
Another quotable favorite I was happy to see again. Staffed with Hanna; had a little too much fun with the Hulk hand trivia prizes. If they release a DVD double pack with this and Tropic Thunder, I'd be ecstatic. Related recommendation: SAVING GRACE, an indie British comedy involving Mary Jane.
Haven't been to one since, oh, I don't know, maybe once early last year? Had nothing to do that Thursday night and the brothers of PiKapp are good people, so I went to their Cali Love party with some friends. I was immediately reminded of why I hate frat parties. Went to a bunch first quarter, freshmen year to get the "college experience." Learned the hard way to just say no. Sure, I danced wide with my buddies this time, but there is no need to try to dance among freshmen girls having sex and making babies with god knows who.
[AMI'S, aZn]
Went for Maral's birthday. Nice reunion with friends. Inhaled 3 orders of food. I'd forgotten that Ami's is owned by Koreans. They'd split the tab in two and kept nagging about this one unpaid crunch roll. Maral went Persian on them at the end of the night, accusing them of this and that, which was very amusing. Turns out we did have a second crunch roll, it was just on the other tab. Left awkwardly after her outburst. Ami's = always a good time.
[ECHOPLEX, insane]

[OBAMA, yay]
Still in shock and awe. So many stereotypes shattered. Wasn't my ideal turnout with Hilary knocked so early, but definitely Obama/Biden over McPain. I am anxious to see how and where he will lead us.
[JASON MRAZ, lover]

It was good to see Nat and Drew! We had a such a blast at the concert. One of the best I've been to, minus the stacked parking on a grass hill in front of a bathroom and the belligerent drunkards behind us. I definitely recommend catching a show at the Greek Theatre. It's a perfectly sized outdoor venue, rain or shine. I saw Alison Krauss and Union Station there last year sitting in an entirely different area and it was amazing. The acoustics are good anywhere you sit.
The food isn't all too bad. Of course, I had to eat something. Got a might tasty chicken tender basket with fries.
Observation: I'd say the Jason crowd was a good 30-40% Asian. We Asians do love him. He's toured Korea for sure.
Oh, and Toca Rivera is my new favorite. He and Jason are a dynamic duo that create beautiful harmonies, the likes of Simon & Garfunkel.
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