23 September 2008

this and that

Discovery: the window in our room makes the most painful noise known to mankind upon opening/closing. Imagine your token "fingernails down a chalkboard," but at a pitch twice more shrill.

Reason for discovery: guy belting out the In-N-Out jingle in a semi-operatic style; guy blasting lil' Wayne; more drunk people walking the streets.

On any other night, I'd be more tolerable of the noise, probably find jingle guy amusing, but I have a migraine at the moment because of my sleep deprivation.

I just realized I missed Heroes and Boston Legal last night, and I have no t.v. yet to watch House and Fringe tonight. Heart sighs.

On a brighter note, Netflix is really as fast as they claim! My eyes actually widened when I saw the red envelope in my mailbox.

Current film: Married Life. I'll watch anything with Chris Cooper.


Christine said...

Heroes was ok. It was good as an episode but I don't know if it fulfilled it's "premiere" quota. you should catch it online =D

Unknown said...