14 September 2008

There was a hat in my pizzookie, I'd appreciate another one

I successfully slept through my entire morning and spent the bulk of my afternoon transferring everything from my external hard drive to an internally bigger, physically smaller one. I've named the newbie, Cody, after my first dog. Flashback to Cody.

I adopted him from the pound as my high school graduation present. I was deciding between little Cody and one of the older dogs--a beautiful, white husky mutt with a scratch by its eye, probably from some injury or, worse, abuse.

Pounds are horrible. The older dogs seem to have given up trying to get the attention of people walking by. I would have chosen the elder, but I'm so easily amused, and seeing Cody spin around in circles chasing his tail won him tons of brownie points.

Let's just say Cody was like an ADHD puppy on crack. He literally peed every time someone came out to the backyard to see him. He'd always relieve himself one inch off the training pads we set down all over the house. We concluded he was missing a few nuts and bolts up there.
The pound labeled him as a Cocker Spaniel mix. Lies! Aside from his energy, he looked nothing like one.

In the end, he was a bit too much to handle and our backyard was just not enough for him. Dogs need the room to run around, especially Cody. I miss his floppy ears and that puzzled look he made, while tilting his head sideways. I mimic this confused look often; I think we were meant for each other.
I'm still trying to transfer eighty some gigs of music. One day I need to go through my library and delete everything I REALLY don't listen to, or anything that I know will never grow on me.
Knowing my bad habits, how I can never throw anything away with that silly excuse, "I might need/use/listen to it later," the project pare-down-music will probably fail miserably.

Dum dee dum...I'm not quite sure what else I did this afternoon, but a hearty lunch snuck in there and I might as well list the foods: Tilapia, yum! Sausages, rice, bread, and glazed donut pop-em's for dessert. Disgusting to say I didn't regret eating any of these things, but I'll probably regret my general eating habits in about five years when my metabolism shuts down.
Dinner was much more exciting. Happy 23rd Nick! I was finally able to catch up with my good ol' Fairmont buddies. I always laugh so much with them. Nick invited us all to BJs to celebrate, lots of laughs, stories, odd-topic conversations, the usual. Of course political Nick started us up on that path, but honestly, this election is scary. I'll save my views for another day, a political post?

The food was delicious. I always love a deep dish pizza and pizzookie. Next time we will order "Sweet Pig" or "The Great White." I would love to see a whole cooked pig lying on a cheese pizza, or perhaps a shark fin sitting on top.
Browsing through the channel guide, I find my choices quite unappealing:
Sarah Palin: American Woman; a remake of Miracle on 34th Street (I don't understand why people remake such classics); Paris Hilton BFF casting.

I'll probably have to go back to LA to work tomorrow, spend the night and work again Tuesday morning. Sighhhhh. I really hope I can find a cover, otherwise, so much for being home.
On the bright side, I'll get to crash on Aldy's brand spankin' new Ikea sofa bed!

Night, night everyone!

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