15 September 2008


Aldrin, I am so jealous of your single R.A. room. So spacious. You can do a safe cartwheel across the floor, not that I've been trying...

Observation of the day: People like to send odd-shaped packages to different countries. Luckily, I can rely on handy, USPS programmed computer to tell me which customs form they need. There is no recognizable pattern or logic to the decision, though. Flat documents to Spain being mailed Priority need a large one, but the same to Finland require the small? I suppose Finland would be less picky. China seems to always require a large form. They must be suspicious and much more curious about things entering their country.

Also amusing: seeing people write descriptions of package contents in, yes, that's right, engrish!
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I managed to squeeze in a few movies during the few days I was at home.

Persepolis was amazing, though, I was way too distracted and my French is nowhere near good enough to understand little, animated Marjane. I will have to re-watch that with English subtitles. I definitely recommend this movie! It's witty and French, so of course, everything sounds better.

Waitress. Surprisingly lovely! I missed the screening at Melnitz two years ago, and have been anxious to see it. I always knew Keri Russell was talented, not just because of her legit reputation as a Mickey Mouse Club alum. Adrienne Shelley succeeded as a triple threat. The film was well-written, directed, and acted. Plus, it incorporated so many delicious looking pies. Jeremy Sisto is starting to grow on me. He rubbed me off the wrong way in Clueless because he got with Amber--ew! Then he went on to play Jesus, looking like the son of Fabio. Six Feet Under saved him, in my opinion, and he's pretty decent in Law & Order as well.

HBO On Demand, I shall miss you when I move in. I watched The Devil Wears Prada for the umpteenth time, then decided to reread the novel--also recommended. There are always exceptional adaptations, but I haven't yet come across a film that can capture the heart of a book.
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Wifey and I had a classy dinner at Panda Express. I found my fortune most ironic and amusing.
"Your career plans look bright." I reckon a wise panda must be speaking of future, not current plans. Current plans are lacking. Kara, did you sneak that fortune cookie in there?!

We also broke a cookie together. This one leaves me feeling slightly confused.
"An important word of advice may come from a child." Whenever I see a kid from now on, I will expect them to approach me and drop pearls of wisdom. I'll take anything. I'm sure a child's view on life is much less distorted or at least less bleak.
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Last, but not least, Gossip Girl. alksdfkajs! I watched it alone on Aldrin's snazzy t.v. and I'm certain that I gasped out loud about three times. Don't judge me.

I look foward to a bright and early day at work tomorrow. Fortune cookie might just be onto something. My boss let me know that if all else fails, I can pursue a career in the United States Postal Service! If I do, I will pursue said career on the East Coast styling these.


Kara said...

I pet the Panda Express panda and told him all about your career plans.

Nick said...

I'm not gonna lie.

I totally just judged you when I saw the words "Gossip Girl".


Unknown said...

Waitress was all about PIE.