07 March 2009

no Friday night plans? blog party's right here!

For some reason Friday night movies come in threes. Since I am such a cool cat, I've just spent my evening reading then channel surfing across stellar flicks: NACHO LIBRE, STEP UP, and HONEY. Quality x 3. I kept reminding myself that these constitute less of a hit to my IQ than trash, reality tv, right? But all great things come to an end and a new, exciting batch of three began immediately after: NATIONAL SECURITY, BRING IT ON, TRADING PLACES--I have to defend TP as a classic for Akroyd and Murphy (wow, trailers back then @_@). I think I've seen the movie about 15 times on TBS, a mommy and me favorite along with other oldie but goodies like OVERBOARD, CITY SLICKERS and DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS. I'm also a fan of Steve Zahn and think it's about time he carries a comedy. Now, TEAM AMERICA, always a pleasure.

I hope to be far more productive tomor--oop, make that later this morning: help out with CEC marketing videos, do my darn laundry (clean supply runs dangerously low), Ralph's/Trader Joe's, reply to Craigslist internship postings (blah), hopefully catch one of the evening screenings of THE WATCHMEN--though I'd much rather just wait to buy the DVD and watch all however many hours of the uncut version plus bonus features.

In other news, Kogi has definitely taken off. I wasn't aware how huge this little Korean taco truck had actually gotten until I read my Newsweek:

Good thing I didn't leave Twitter for dead. If I'm ever at a point where I feel an entrepreneurial urge, I can launch my brand with a tweet tweet, here and a tweet, tweet there. Can I just say that I'm suddenly, extremely unsettled by how powerful the interweb has become? We're basically immersed in it all day long while it acts as the center of our world. I don't think it's too far-reaching to say that death of the internet would not only mean death of an internet salesman, but worse, apocalypse now, the beginning of the end! We'd be left running around like so in a world reminiscent of WALL-E or IDIOCRACY. Oh man, what would I eat in such a setting?

Hm, could this Circus signify the end of the world?

No, of course not. Britney is always good news and she's a far cry from nude in her dresses up there. Maybe she had her kids take out their goth sticker books and decorate her before showtime. I've been hearing mixed reviews about her tour thus far, which makes me feel a little less distraught about not buying tickets for LA. Don't get me wrong, though, because if she ever tours again (crosses fingers), I will be all up on those tickets in a blink. Plus, by then, she should be in even better shape and much more practiced.

Lastly, I've incorporated a new activity to my daily routine. By "routine" I mean classes, surfing the web, facestalking, reading, teeveeing, eating/munching, and sleeping. I lead a rich life that is unfortunately indulgent in junk habits rather than good ones. But! Every day I will complete the one word challenge. I find the exercise to be fun and a good quick break and/or stimulus for the brain. No matter how little I churn out, at least I'm still using the ol' noggin and writing something, anything.

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