Oh, so remember that men's website I posted about a while ago? Yes, that one where I didn't realize it was catered to men despite the many obvious clues? Well, I'm still subscribed to the newsletter. Had I subscribed to some woman's digest, I'd be receiving "10 ways to use organic food in your kitchen to make healthy makeup!" "5 minute bun exercises to fit in those True Religion's you always wanted!" Exsqueeze me, screw that. With the Thrillist (for men!), I get tips on the best burger joints, cool humor tees, and urban home decor instead. Win.
It's past 5 A.M. and I've consumed pizza rolls and Boston Market mac & cheese. To be honest, I'm a bit puzzled at how I haven't im- or exploded. I should be cautious...more of my friends are threatening to just point and laugh at me the day my metabs decides it won't stand the abuse anymore. My foolproof plan is to have the hubby before this point so he'll already be committed to me and the marriage--the vows gotta mean something, right?
Megan's familial tidbit du jour: My dad sent a text today reminding me to google chat my mom this weekend. Cool. I think I'll introduce them to skype, perhaps some video chat in due time.
I've forgotten how magical it is to shuffle through an entire itunes library. Coro's "Fallen Angel" just came on. If you haven't a clue who or what, don't feel bad. Nobody should have Coro. I just do because I'm super cool and insist upon collecting music from one-three hit wonders who appeared on occasional episodes of Miami Vice. That could quite possibly be an answer to a Jeopardy question, should you ever be a contestant (no need to thank me, I do what I can).
You really get to see my random train of thought with this post, but is it just me, or is Bruce Springsteen sounding more and more like Bob Dylan? Slightly mumbling (I give him five or so more years to become as unintelligible as Dylan was), much more folk-y in music and lyric--have you ever seen a one-legged dog makin' its way down the street? By golly, I haven't! Not that I have a problem with his progression; just some food for thought if there happens to be an empty moment in your day. "The Wrestler" is a lovely song for the film.
Look, they could even have been brothers!

What lies ahead: Acquiring my California teaching credentials, at least looking into the basic tests: CBEST etc. The question mark of a future is increasingly unsettling and I would really like to live in something sturdier than a brown box. I also have yet to take the free practice LSAT and GRE. Maybe things are looking better. Under Obama, over the course of his term, teacher salary is sure to go up as well as demand, while the journalism market dwindles away. Way to squash my hopes, interweb.
I'll leave you with the miserable, the miraculous, and the merry.
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