I have no idea what I caught but this is one of the worst cases of the "sickies" I've had for a while. Actually, I would willingly wear those attractive medical masks (unintentional alliteration, how fun!) because I don't want my parents to catch what I have. Never before have I consumed such a large quantity of "over-the-counters" in such a short time span. Pill count: 16 Motrin, 10 Tylenol Sinus, 4 Sudafed, Completed 5/5 days of Azithromycin. I promise I'm not a fiend...
Now, a brain vomit about all the tv I've been watching this whole time...
Item 1. PRIMETIME ON DEMAND. Not only is there HBO, but also CBS, FX, USA and NBC: Chuck, Heroes, ER, FNL, 30 Rock, Office. Ahhhh
Item 2. Good genes. I believe I have figured out a most miraculous combination.
If Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, and Mark Valley magically had a baby...

You would get
Chris Egan! My new weekly dose of Aussie eye candy, compliments of
Item 2.5. NBC's new drama series, KINGS. Apparently, the premier received rather low ratings, but I assume it will quickly pick up a loyal cult fan base, myself included. The plot alone grabbed my attention because of it's premise as a Biblical allusion. I don't necessarily live my life by the book as a faith but I've always been intrigued by the Bible as a literary and historical text and am thus obsessed with the parallels they've already made. Egan's wholesome face and Ian McShane, whose face alone could tell a story, have good chemistry. Almost forgot! Sebastian Stan (Gossip Girl's Carter Baizen) is also on the show. This is important because I love Gossip Girl, perhaps also because he looks to be a promising villain. One last thing, Macaulay Culkin is supposed to be in the series at some point. I know, right?
Item 3. Token chick flick, THE HOLIDAY. Think what you will, but I found it positively charming and refreshing as a chick-flick/rom-com. Everything just worked. All the protagonists were troubled and complex enough that it wasn't overly cheesy. I was pleasantly surprised to see the great, now 93-year-old Eli Wallach, a true method actor who's been around since classic Hollywood (BABY DOLL; MAGNIFICENT SEVEN; THE GOOD, THE BAD, and THE UGLY). I've never been a huge fan of Jude Law, but he is surprisingly likeable in this film as all the protagonists are.
Item 4. The usual. Watching everything else that's on at any given time.
1 comment:
The Holiday is my mom's new favorite movie. when she got it, she watched it like 3 times in one week! HAHAHAHA
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