14 March 2010

death to finals?

Papers. The blessing and curse of an American Lit. & Culture (a.k.a. cop-out English) major.

While everyone around me has been stressing out of their minds about this final at that o'clock, I've been working hard, convincing them all to take study breaks with me, including but not limited to, watching crappy-B and awesome-A films, Yogurtland and restaurants. 

An hour ago:
9:19 PM Joanne: omg

  lets get ice cream
  i cant but i want to
  whats wrong with me
 me: AH NOOO u got my hopes up for like half a second...
 Joanne: i'm like falling asleep though
  might just call it quits
 Joanne: mmmm
  ok i'm down
 me: I'll come pick u up
  is RITE AID open?!
 Joanne: is rite aid open?
  that would be awesomeee...
9:24 PM me: is it???
  im asking u... if it is i'll cry.
 Joanne: ok let me look it up...
 me: YES
  they close at 11
  i think...unless im reading it wrong
9:25 PM i might be too excited

Oh, by the by, I'm Hong Kong bound in four days!?!
The impulse decision made many months ago, popped up out of nowhere and now that the trip is finally here, whoa, Nelly!

Despite my imminent travel panic, I'm more than excited to explore a new country with Mr. Jeffries. He'll probably be making a fantastic film in photos over the ten days, while I'll be taking as many touristy pictures as possible and trying to expand my stomach.

Also, it helps that I absolutely love traveling--it's great once you know how to take advantage of the experience. I don't even hate on the security checks. Just put your toiletries in a Ziploc and don't wear complicated shoes or have 50 piercings. Love airplane food as well. I'm the person that freeloads off of all the travel knick-knacks in the bathroom and by the kitchen.

Biggest regret: I'll be missing Betty White hosting SNL this Saturday. Hulu awaits after spring break.

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