09 June 2009

With great power comes great responsibility

or in Stan Lee's original version, "With great power there must also come great responsibility." Either way, 'tis truth.

There are the obvious and obligatory ups and downs that come with stepping into any leadership role. I find myself evaluating the same flaws and problems I've always had since I was a tiny tot. Though, come to think of it, I was much more stubborn and aggressive as a child...seemed to have lost some of that "grr-ness" as over the years. Perhaps it's because I'm actually an elderly woman who enjoys bingo and Astaire-Rogers films and these discontinued coffee-flavored candies that used to be sold at Nijya Market. Anyhoo, back to my loss of grr. I do need to practice the word "no" much more, spoken nicely and with love of course. I also need to stop being overly apologetic. It's like a bad tick that I've developed. Many people call me out on it, and yet, all I can reply back with is, "Sorry [for saying sorry]". Gah.

Mom definitely called me out on it when I went home this past weekend. At this point, it's bad because I come off timid, but just like the boy who cried wolf, overuse and abuse will lead to it meaning nothing, an empty apology. That I do not want. That would be ultimate fail. Also, I very much need to manage my time better. This has been my most crucial issue since whatever age beyond babyhood that required time management skills. My insatiable desire to put stickers on everything has also been a problem, but that won't be too much of an issue with CEC, methinks. Oh, and I still, use, too many, damn, commas,.,

I'm blogging right now to get my writing juices flowing for the 16 pages of awesome B.S. (that's "Brilliant Stuff", mind you) that I need to write by Thursday. Okay, that wasn't quite believable. But blogging is a better method of procrastination than StumbleUpon, right?

Aside from that final monster, summer seems to be playing out smoothly. Subletters are falling into place. Timing, with some minor switcharoo issues, works out for all the current and new apartment-mates. I've found temporary housing for the duration of the LA Film Festival, graciously offered by Mattitude + co. I believe Karaoke, Donkey Kong, and late-night nom-ing are all on the schedule o' fun for June.

Official LAFF interning starts Wednesday. I'll be meeting the new guest services group and have been promoted to "head intern". I hope this relieves me of some of the copy machine/collate/staple duties, not that I hate doing that, but I can't make a living out of it. I look forward to the compensation in free crap (ex. stacks upon stacks of scratch paper), which I'll lovingly bring home and take up more space with. Hopefully I can go home for this weekend, re-group, re-arrange, and refresh before starting full time on Tuesday.

The only thing not quite in place is jury duty. Well, not so much not in place since I must serve and can no longer postpone (crap) or transfer (crapx2), but dad and I were discussing the distant possibility that it could be a serious case that extends all the way to my London trip. I'd then have to haggle with judge sir or lady. I doubt it will be something so severe *knock on wood*, but that is why we brainstormed how to wiggle out of jury selection. Instead of being too obvious with, "My dad's a lawyer I watch every single law show known to man and have strong opinions about lawyers blaw blaw blaw", we thought I could go with being very picky and opinionated about the po-po--"I think cops are the greatest, they are a secure and necessary level of enforcement" / "Cops suck. Bad experiences", depending on which side I'd like to kick me off. We'll see what happens.

That darn rat is persistent. Hopefully not enough to want to eat through duct tape...

I grant you all the power to keep me in check. I should not have another post up until after 12pm on Thursday (likely) or sooner, if I finish early (unlikely). Obviously, I should not have anything new or fun to blog about since I will be writing instead of playing. So....ttfn!

1 comment:

Christine said...

omg i have jury duty too! I have to call on Friday and see if they need me. At least it's over my summer but that means I might not be able to work- which would suck. When are you going to London? I bet they would let you off, it will just be a long day when you go and wait for them to dismiss you.