02 June 2009

What better place than here. What better time than now.

Word. Where better to procrastinate on the Life To-Do List and what better time than during tenth week?
Yes, I'm back after a blog hiatus. Meganomz Bubbletoes, here, reporting from chair at desk in 555 Glenrock.

The condensed happenings thus far:
  • I caught the CEC plague. Directly disobeying my parent's phone call/text/gchat orders to avoid crowded places with lots of people, I attended our non-stop series of CEC events where, rest assured, sickly people roam.
  • This school year is a fail. Silver lining: at least I've been consistent? and I have my senior year to turn it around.
  • As of last home visit, I think I may be going to grad school for some field of art?
  • Begin life pondering, regretful ranting, etc.:

I wish I'd pursued something in art more seriously in HS. I did studio for a summer after JH, then stopped. I was an ASB kid. Worked my way up from class secretary, to class pres, to ASB pres. I also did yearbook editing and was a student ambassador. Yeah, I was thaaaat kid. My stereotype = enthused dork (and aZn), but that is what I know (and am). I'd like to think I fine-tuned myself into "sophisticated, grown-uppy, but still enthused dork".
So, I'm good at ASB things, eating, always had something...some knack, some ear, an inclination for art/music/lang./ling. things, cleaning, sanitizing, working with children, office stuff, NOT schmoozing/networking, not gonna be a gymnast-ballerina, nor singer-dancer, le sigh. I love grammar and proofreading, but I never did or do anything with it besides edit people's papers--definitely not up to par to make it my profession at a legit publication. I've always been aware and accepting of my flaws and weaknesses, so when it does come to the arts, I'm not a sketcher or cartoonist--these are my dad's forte. But I pick up the slack in color and color composition and using paints (yes, this includes pre-school finger painting!) My mom and I agreed that the physical arts, aka, "making sh*t", above anything in fine arts, has always been more my thang. I also fold a mean origami crane--made one using a foil Dove chocolate wrapper. I can haz sustainable salary? Bah!

At home visit, parents and I backtracked through all of the above. The discussion escalated into the always heated cries over "wth have I been/am I doing in college and with my life?", then simmered back down to the same conclusion as always. All they want is for me to figure out what I'm passionate about and go for it.

  • Dilemma: I like everything. Sciences and mathematics, not a hater! I just know that I'm not so inclined. I like (or I think I like) too many things. I'm glad that I'm open-minded, but this can be horribly impractical and is demonstrative of my indecisiveness and my fickleness.
  • Frustration. I don't know how to focus. I have life ADD.
  • What happened to teaching? Still my ultimate plan. It's the "passion" that I'm gonna pursue later on to the scenario point where: my health deteriorates and I become the cranky, old teacher who should retire at age A, but the principle will feel guilty about letting me go because of my __ steadfast years, growing old at the school and thus, lets me stay on against better judgment to ridiculous age B, when I really need to retire due to the fact that I not only cannot hear the children, but also yell at them anyway.
End flashbacks and life ponderations.
Cut to movie news:
  • UP! Far too overrated from all the Rotten Tomatoes pre-hype. It is not the best Pixar ever. That being said, it's still perfectly amazing and magical. Dug the dog, Kevin the bird, and Russell are hilarious and to some extent remind me of something about myself...perhaps Dug and Kevin's flighty/do-do ness and Rusell's so very obvious Asianness--for those who thought otherwise, c'monn, his eyes! Plus if that didn't convince you, he is voiced by a little Asian boy.
  • Terminator 4: pure special Fx entertainment. Christian Bale continues to use that scruffy voice (that made him unintelligible as the Dark Knight). Sam Worthington and Moon Bloodgood = token eye candy. Way better than T3, not even close to matching T1-T2.
  • Star Trek. <3
  • Night at the Museum 2...my gawd I really want to see this. I loved the first one.
  • 500 Days of Summer. Our last CEC event this year! I am expecting a wonderful film about love that is not a love story.
  • Public Enemies, Ponyo, Transformers II and many more will be premiering/screened during LA Film Fest.

Summer and beyond...
  • I'm interning for LAFF guest services again. I'll try to watch and post about as many of the festival films as I can, including the aforementioned.
  • Jury duty. Eff word. I'd postponed it months back to after LAFF, but forgot to transfer it too, so.......Megan Lee reports to Compton on June 29.
  • Round-trip ticket to London and back, purchased! Finally found someone I know who is going. Coincidentally, we became friends during LAFF last summer!
  • We'll be regular video bloggers throughout the trip. That's right, it's like we'll be having a mini-occasional web-tv show in England! So you get to see me fumbling about, live, in London. I also think we get to use a mini HD for it, so that will be super cool.
  • Also volunteered to be a super-blogger for the travel study program, meaning 4-5 posts/week.
  • Contemplating flying from London to SD for Street Scene. Maybe, just maybe!
  • CEC! Nothin' but love, sometimes stressful, but love all the way. It has been and will probably continue to be my priority. The addition of a meager stipend next year for my efforts as incoming Films Director is a lovely plus! Exploring new waters is frightening, especially having to follow in K-Cut's and Kid Freezy's footsteps, but I'm up and excited for the challenge.
  • Oh, yes. Being a grown-up sucks. I have a "real" apartment now and have to find a subletter and pay monthly rent + utilities. UCLA university apartments spoiled me rotten. Might as well try here, too. If you/anyone you know needs a place in LA for the summer, do tell me!

No more apartment plugs, I promise. Three papers away from freedom. Here I come...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh please. you're going to put us to shame.