26 April 2009


SighhhhBlahhh. Life is sort of sucking right now. A more cheery version of myself will be back to update soon, hopefully.

As for aesthetics and such, I did decide to fiddle a liddle with the html because that poopy brown background was bringing me down a bit. Of course, I've chosen one of my favorite colors in the whole wide world. Lime green. The color of my L.L. Bean backpack and what I had the ASB room painted in high school. Happy, happy, joy, joy. By now you may have noticed that I added some music--apologies for it starting automatically and causing a scene at your place of work/learning/silence. Feel free to scroll down and shut it off and/or question the randomness of song choice.

'Til next time, à bientôt!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It woke Kia up this morning!