The rundown: I was in the CEC office, met up with Susan, decided to go down to get some Carl's, reached the bottom few steps, noticed an uncharacteristically taller, older, famous-looking man in a black button down and jeans (reading the directory of Kerckhoff office numbers?).
Click. ZOMFG It's DAVID DUCHOVNY. Susan = who? Me = (
My train of thought/dialogue/actions for the next 10 minutes: OmgIcanhazpicture?Omg. Text everyone I know including long time D.D. fan, mom. Omg. I'll have a number 15 medium fries, medium coke. Omgmaybei'lljustgohughimomg.
We returned back to the scene but he'd gone outside to film. Got Hannah from the office, ran into friend, Nick. Outside, were the set and crew of CALIFORNICATION, comprised of: DAVID; extra guys; extra galss--who could definitely use the additional 10 lbs. of camera weight; various people sitting at the tables. We spent a good 15 minutes trying to figure out which were extras, if there were any, making decisions based on well-dressed-ness, age and various other factors. I contemplated taking a seat and whipping out shiny macbook to blend in, because that seemed the trend for the seated folk. Also considered acting out as most stereotypical, token asian girl if it meant I could be in the scene. Scene began with co-star's leg in between David's kicking him there. David falls to ground. [I run over to help him.] [He says thanks and we become instant besties.]
I had to run back and forth for meetings and such, but i "visited" set about 3 times. Fairly certain the crew could recognize creeper Asian girl by then, especially when I was wearing my lime green sneakers.
Le sigh.
I found this news to be most blog-worthy and dedicate it to a true Fox Mulder/D.D. fan, Miss Cutruzzula.
What's cookin' good lookin'?

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