11 December 2008


Truth. I screwed up big time this quarter. I'll say what I always say, "Next quarter will be different." Only this time, I will actually need to follow through on my words and take my resolutions seriously.

It's already 3 A.M. and I've come to peace with the fact that my grades are going to suck, for lack of better words.
No use in trying to achieve the impossible, so I will memorize as much of this quarter's reading as I possibly can in the time I have left.

Come Friday, I will keel over and sleep. Mathematically, if were to sleep continuously through the entire break, (approx. 3 weeks) I would have made up all of my lost hours for the entire quarter. But that's certainly not feasible--unfeasible?

Back to my impending doom.
Expect next post to be a big wonderful bucket of brain vomit: stress/pressure venting, obligatory resolutions, more contemplations and complaints on my extraordinary ordinary life; and of course the token meal intakes.

Good night, and good luck! Unless you are free/moving out/at home already. Then you're currently a frenemy.

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