03 September 2009

well, hello there

I know, I know. Fail at blog. London recaps ARE coming, promise and with visual aids.
I think I'll revamp or get a new blog at some point. The tumblr seems to be a world of magic for everyone now.

In the meantime:

Leicester, is pronounced Lester. Not Lie-ches-ter or Lie-ster or Lei-ces-ter as it's so spelled.
Why the "i"? I dunno. Then again, Lecester is not at all an improvement or easier to pronounce.

Shire is pronounced sure, but with a crisp, short vowel.

Warwick is Warrick...don't dare pronounce that second dubya.

Edinburgh is Edinburgoodnesstheyarepicky. Ok, for reals: Edinburh/buruh (as softly and subtly as possible).

Oral Exercise. Pronounce:
1. Gloucester
2. Warwickshire

Extra Credit: Loughborough, Leicestershire.

Thank gawd I didn't have to go there.

According to one of Stratford-upon-Avon's Royal Shakespeare Company's actors, a lovely American he once met pronouced it LugaBaruga. And that sounds perfectly perfect to me.

1 comment:

Yoko Sakao Ohama said...


1. Gloss-ter
2. War-rick-sher (aforementioned short u)

EC: Low-bore, Lester-sher

Welcome back to the States!