27 January 2009


"Twitter is over capacity.
Too many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again."
Didn't know it could o.d. on tweets. I'm not even following that many people.

Also, THE GRUDGE just started on Sci-Fi. My curiosity has gotten the better of me...I don't know why I'm watching it. The fact that the opening credits are written in red already has my heart pumping =( It's okay though, roomie has wisely suggested that I set the surf channel to TLC's Jon & Kate Plus 8 so I can switch immediately if it becomes too creepy. Something tells me that I'll be watching the lovely Gosselin family for the next two hours while writing my journal.

O god, my hand is on my face, I'm yelling at asian girl who is stupidly following creepy noises. Don't go down into the basement, silly....OMGZWTH. She's dead and I'm changing the channel.

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